Stop The Stigma

We Need To Have A Meeting About Stigma

Alright this is a public service announcement about how we use our words. Let’s not use "bipolar" as an insult or a joke. Bipolar disorder is a disease characterized by crushing depressive lows and life-devastating highs. I’ve seen many patients who’ve delayed treatment because of STIGMA and it almost cost them their lives.

When we throw around terms like "bipolar" in the wrong way, we trivialize real challenges folks out here are facing and instead of recognizing these rock stars who still manage to show up for family members and work colleagues every day and try, we add to stigma and make it harder for them to heal and thrive. Let’s end the silence. Let’s end the shame. Let's show respect and watch our words.

Facts: If someone changes their mind, or their feelings fluctuate, or they do something you just aren’t feeling…that’s not the criteria to diagnose bipolar disorder. That’s basic humanity. 

Facts: If someone has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder by a qualified mental health practitioner, saying ‘you know Jane is bipolar'' is still foul. Why? Because Jane HAS bipolar disorder but it has not become who she “IS” anymore than it would be true that “Jane IS high blood pressure or Jane IS cancer.” 

Facts: Words Have Power. Words mean things. Let's use them to lift up, not trip up.

#MentalHealth #MentalHealthMatters #BlackMentalHealthMatters #RespectMentalHealth #EndTheStigma #ChooseYourWords #MentalHealthAwareness #BeKind


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