Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Can I Prepare for My First Appointment?

    Make a list of past and present psychiatric medications, side effects, and length of treatment and prepare to share this information with your provider.

    Be prepared to discuss family history of mental illness.

    Complete patient intake forms ahead of your appointment. Your provider cannot treat you unless your intake paperwork is completed prior to your appointment.

    If possible, have any recent relevant lab work results ready such as CBC, Metabolic Panel, Lipid Panel, Thyroid Panel and/or Liver Panel.

  • Why Don't You Accept Health Insurance?

    This decision was difficult as most of our patients have health insurance (and use our superbills to submit for reimbursement from those insurance companies).

    The short story is we believe in medical freedom where decisions about your care is between you and your treating physician. We are determined to deliver truly patient-centered care (which health insurance companies make increasingly difficult) and this means at Empathy you will experience differences like more responsive scheduling (vs waiting for months to be seen) and more generous appointment times (vs an insurance company limiting a medication management appointment to 15 minutes when your physician believes you require more time for adequate care).

  • How Often Will I Need To Be Seen?

    Most patients are typically seen once a month until symptoms are more stable with treatment.

    Follow-up appointments are then typically every three months and, in some cases, every six months depending on your treatment and how quickly we can progress towards your mental health goals.

  • What Ages Do You Treat?

    We see children as young as 7 and adults up to 65 for therapy and medication management.

  • Do You Do Emergency Psychiatry or Inpatient Care?

    No. Empathy Wellness Center is an outpatient mental health practice. We see patients by appointment only and primarily via telehealth. Patients must be stable enough for weekly, if not monthly, appointments. In-patient and intensive outpatient facilities are separate entities that treat more serious and acute mental illness.

  • Do You Offer Telehealth Appointments?

    Yes! Right now our practice is 100% Telehealth and will continue to offer virtual appointments for the foreseeable future as our patients overwhelmingly prefer them.